Quality. Expediency. Reliability.

About Us

Who We Are

As a boutique search firm operating in niche markets, we are committed to building creative solutions that best serve our clients’ needs - not applying a ‘one size fits all’ approach. We are flexible and agile, and bring a wealth of experience in assisting clients recruit diverse leadership talent in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

What We Do

We are a retained search firm that offers an expedited search process and a flexible fee model, to suit your needs. We recognise that each search will have its own unique set of parameters to consider, so the first step in any project, is always to listen.

Where We Work

We are well-networked globally, and you will often find us talking with leaders at industry events around the world. We believe it is important to integrate with the industries we serve, and ensure that we have our finger on the pulse of the markets - understanding sector trends, knowing where innovation is happening, and staying ahead of the curve with our ever-growing network of talent.

Why Work With Us

Clients choose AG Link for a number of reasons - our specialist sector expertise, our search completion rate, and our flexible fee model.

But in reality, it comes down to shared values - honesty, integrity, commitment, and perhaps most importantly, results.

When To Work with Us

We are experienced in leading search projects with discretion. During times of change, be it growth or expansion, reorganisation, pre/post-acquisition or merger, relocation or otherwise, we can help you find the talent you’re looking for, no matter where that talent exists.

How To Reach Us

Whether you would like to organise an exploratory conversation around potential needs that may arise in future, or you have an immediate requirement that needs attention, or you are thinking about succession planning, we are always happy to talk.